Sunday, February 26, 2012


Saturday midday was a trip into WMC just because it was there. WMC has much less stock of Harleys as a result of sales. Someone is buying bikes during this recession but not me. A call to Alan and we decided to fit in a ride on Sunday.

Sunday; left home at 1043hrs on the way to the Wairarapa via Alan's. Arrived at Alan's at 1055hrs and was back on the bike at 1100hrs. When over the hill we headed out on the Martinborough road and then to Greytown, Parkvale, Ponatahi and Martinborough.

Arrived in Martinborough at 1230hrs; had lunch and then back on the road and heading around the bottom of the lake at 1301hrs. At 1410hrs we were back at Brown Owl. There was no traffic around the lake and bumper to bumper heading over the hill. One fast section and one very slow.

I got home at 1440hrs having traveled 246kms.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday 19th

Up SH1 to Pauatahanui for a coffee and back home.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


18 bikes at the duck pond and 3 others on the way to Featherston.

Last week's rides

Friday into the city

Sunday over the hill to take in Gladstone, water towers loop and Martinborough