The forecast was for rain and although when I left home it wasn't raining. I meet up with a small number of riders at Brown Owl. The only two for the road ride was me and Koroj. The others, on adventure bikes, were to ride up to Mt Dick and then would meet us for lunch at Wild Oaks in Carterton.
My ride, following Koroj, was into Martinborough, Middle Road to water towers and then back across Masterton to Chester Road and back to the Wild Oaks. We arrived for lunch at 11.50 and the 4 adventure riders arrived 45mins later. Koroj and I headed back to Wellington at 12.47pm and I got home at 2.05pm. It was an enjoyable ride in the rain and my wet weather gear all works well. Yesterday I had a pinlock visor fitted to the helmet and no fogging. I should have got a pinlock visor years ago.
The bike needs a wash. The trip was 266kms and odo is now 16226kms.
Road safety campaigner - 2 things come to mind...
51 minutes ago